If you haven’t already switched to Vim, and you’re hacking everything out from the command line, you might want to check out Sublime Text 3. Sublime Text is supported for Mac, Ubuntu, and Windows.
Once you’ve obtained a copy of Sublime Text 3, make sure you install Package Control by wbond. Using the SHIFT + COMMAND + P keystroke provides you with a whole menu of options to choose from. Here are packages that are highly recommended for use with Sublime Text 3.
- DocBlockr
- EditorConfig
- GitGutter - Indicates lines that have been added, modified, or removed in the files you are viewing.
- LiveReload
- Markdown Preview
- SideBarEnhancements
- Sass
- SublimeLinter - Helps to detect mistakes in your code. Many packages to support various languages.
- SublimeCodeIntel - Function call tooltips, code complete, and jump to file and line of certain symbols
- TrailingSpaces - Highlights unnecessary whitespace in your documents, and removes the whitespace when saving the document.